BG Term
Of course (so lucky)
Twitch chat spams OFC whenever I discover Tethys
Not finishing your turn, not playing the turn fast enough, ending the turn with unspent gold.
Twitch chat spams BBoomer even though I played as fast as I could
The strength of your board
I don’t want to be too greedy, so this game I’m going to play for tempo
Staying down on tavern tiers to play full tempo
If I don’t kill this Gallywix, he’s going to win the game, so I’m going to stay down and roach
Minions that have the ability to trade into a big unit on it’s own
Bramblewitch, Leeroy, and Belcher are the best poison/scam units
Winning an unfavored fight
I was 80% to win, but I got scammed so hard this fight
Actions Per Minute
I have 100 seconds with Golden Brann, it’ll be a high APM turn
Putting yourself in a position to play a certain direction
By buying this Brann I’m enabling myself to play Pirates, Murlocs, or Elementals
Leveling in a specific way the first few turns
To learn about all the names of the specific curves
A very lucky game
I got Millhouse, I highrolled hero select
Paid Actor
An opponent that’s so weak that you just win the fight for free
Good thing there was this paid actor, otherwise I would’ve died
A minion that can hit adjacent minions to the minion that it attacks
That 300 attack cleave just destroyed half their board
An effect on a card that gives it the ability to trade into multiple units
Phaerix, Cleave, and Deflecto-Bot are some of the highest utility units.
Leveling to tavern 4/5 very fast
Tempo is fake, I’ll just powerlevel
Damage Cap, you can’t take more than 15 damage at a time until it’s top 4
Staying above cap is so huge here
A card that is good for your next matchup only
I’m going to tech a Sindoreri Straightshot vs Undead
A Chinese streaming platform
The Huya players on ladder keep beating me!
Generating a ton of value during the combat using cards with avenge or deathrattle
I’m getting so much milk from this Rylak!