FAQ: Why am I switching to HSReplay?
Most importantly, monetization. It’s very hard to monetize HSBGGuide as it stands and the only way to do it is to spam ads which hinders the viewing experience. By partnering with HSReplay, I can make more money, and as a result put more time and energy into updating the comp tierlist as soon as possible.
The second reason is maintenance. Working with HSReplay’s team has a ton of benefits. For instance, this website struggles to constantly update cards every time there’s a new patch, but HSReplay uses APIs which makes this not an issue. In general, they made updating the comp guide for me as smooth as possible, so I don’t ever have to fiddle with frontend stuff anymore.
FAQ: Will the content be paywalled?
NO! It will not be paywalled, and I can assure this because it was one of my conditions when I signed the contract. All the content I ever write for HSReplay will be free. So what do they gain out of it? Well, they have a ton of stats, and they’re working on providing stats for every single comp in the game, and that will likely be behind a paywall, which is fine. I think stats are cool and helpful. Additionally, my content will eventually make it onto the Hearthstone Deck Tracker, and that will likely be part of their premium service. The most important thing is all my contributions on the website are accessible for free, and in return they get a ton of exposure from my audience.
FAQ: What will happen to HSBGGuide?
My website is not dead! It will still be a hub of all the guides I post that will be useful for new players. I’m thinking about adding a “New Player” tab and post content every new BG player should see.