
When To Commit
Utility Drone + Magnetic Generation (Scrap Scaper/Scavenge For Parts)
Common Enablers
Scrap Scraper
Scavenge for Parts
How To Play

For this comp, you want Magnetic Generation and Magnetic scaling. Generation includes Brann+Clunker, Scavenge for Parts, and Scrap Scraper, while Beatboxer and Utility drone are core for Magnetic scaling. Attach magnetics to key Mech minions such as Deflecto Bot and Foe Reaper. You’ll generate a ton of Annoy-o-Modules to give your whole board divine shield, and accordotrons to keep ramping up economy. Then, you can level to 6 and try to roll or triple into Beatboxer.
If you are generating a ton of magnetics, try something called Magnetic stacking. This is essentially putting all your magnetics onto any Magnetic, then tripling it, and putting it onto another magnetic. The reason you do this is you keep duplicating the effect and stats of the magnetic chain onto your beatboxer.
